Friday, April 30, 2010

Craig's Missionary Okinawa Tacos

1 box Hiyashi brown gravy mix S&B brand "tasty brown sauce mix for hashed beef" found at your local Japanese import food store
1 green pepper
1 onion
1 lb. ground beef
1-2 cups of water
1-2 cups white or brown rice (short grain rice is best...more oriental)

grated cheese
chopped tomatoes
barbecue potato chips, crunched up
shredded lettuce

Cook rice. In a frying pan, brown meat with chopped onion. Chop pepper and toss into browned meat. Add 1 to 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. (You might want to start with 1 cup then add more water after you add the gravy mix to be sure it is thick enough). Cut up Hiyashi gravy brick and add to boiling water. Reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes or so.
To serve, layer rice on plate, then grated cheese, then gravy/meat mix, then lettuce and tomatoes and chips. Serves about 8 servings, depending on how much you take! Be careful because the serving grows as you add all the layers, so you might want to start with a little palm size serving of rice on your plate.

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